Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mole in Mexican AG

Mexican newspaper El Universal.com.mx has an article about the infiltration of the main anti-drug agency of the Mexican government. A mole.

Desde 1997 uno de los principales funcionarios de la lucha antinarcóticos, Miguel Colorado González, coordinador técnico de la Subprocuraduría de Investigación Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada (SIEDO), se convirtió en un funcionario al servicio del cártel de los Beltrán Leyva, señala la nota diplomática 3149 entregada por el gobierno de Washington al de México.

My translation of the paragraph: Since 1997 one of the principal functionaries (officials) of the anti-narcotics fight, Miguel Colorado González, technical coordinator of the Assistant Attorney General (?) of Specialized Investigations of Organized Crime, became a (in effect) mole in the service of the cartel of Beltrán Leyva, signals diplomatic note 3149 delivered by the Washington government to Mexico.

Mexican police with alleged members of a drug cartel arrested in Mexico City this month.

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